Sunday, July 08, 2007

Boo Hoo! I took Jules (kitten) on a short evening walk around the block with Jeff, and a boy on a motor scooter reclaimed her. So happy for the boy and his family, but it was a sad day for me and the little ones. Jeff didn't seem to mind too much either way.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Kaylie can't wait till Jules can spend the whole night in her room...she snuck Jules into bed with her this evening while I was tucking in the boys...Jules didnt' seem to mind.

Who's the real Super man??? This is Caleb's new piggy bank, we lost the plug to the last one. This one says 6 different super things with back ground music and a breeze blowing the cape every time Caleb puts a coin in it. He LOVES it! His passion for the kitten cooled quickly after getting chased around the kitchen by a very playful kitten who just wanted to hug and bite Caleb's bear feet and ankles...He's sticking to super man and legos for now.

Julie- Jules' ride home

Julie Deak is my new 5 a.m. walking partner, she's the one in the brown shirt far left. She carried Jules, our new kitten home for me.

That's her family and folks.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Ting's gift

Boy was I blessed today!!! A new kitten to love and Ting brought me a gift she just couldn't resist getting me! New mugs! I have so much trouble finding pretty coffee muggs big enough to get me through my Quiet time with out haveing to refill. Ting found these at Macy's for $7 down from $40! What a gift from a wonderful friend! Thank you Ting!

A new kitten to love!

Meet Jules! No Paws didn't have a baby, but if she did, the one we'd keep would look just like this! Julie Deak and I were found by her on our early morning walk boney and starved for love and food. She just came running to us from the side of the road along side a cow field and purred like a Harley. Julie carried her to my house. The family seems to adore the new kitty. Jeff is lying on the kitchen floor down stairs here now playing with her like he's a kitten too. She fits right in.